Welcome to the official library blog of Kendriya INS Zamorin, Ezhimala. A fully automated modern Library & Information Center catering the information needs of the students and staff by providing books, periodicals, CD Rom, audio-video materials.  Open Access facility and books in the library are bar-coded for easy circulation. The library is automated with E-Grantalaya software of NIC, Delhi. The library with a collection of 5047 Books which includes English and Hindi fiction and Non fiction, Reference Books, Text Books and subject Books. Library have been subscribing 31 Magazine and 4 News papers(English, Hindi and Malayalam.

International Day of Peace - 21 Sep

United Nations organization was established to make this world peaceful and terror free. And to provide awareness about the peace, UN decided to celebrate international peace day in 1982. Since then International Peace Day [International Day of Peace] is celebrated every year on 21st of September. The purpose to celebrate this day is to create sense and awareness in the people about the importance of peace. UN gives a message to the whole world to respect each other because an environment peace can only be created if people respect each other. When people start to respect other’s feeling and other’s religions, peace developed in the region. On international day of peace different organizations including UN arrange programs all over the world. All countries arrange meetings and conferences to highlight the need and importance of peace. Schools and colleges also arrange program for their students and students’ present models highlighting the value of peaces. To inaugurate the day, the United Nations Peace Bell is rung at UN Headquarters (in New York City). The bell is cast from coins donated by children from all continents except Africa, and was a gift from the United Nations Association of Japan, as "a reminder of the human cost of war"; the inscription on its side reads, "Long live absolute world peace. The  theme of International Peace day 2024 is " Actions for Peace :Our Ambition for the #Global Goals".

World Ozone Day  - 16 Sep 

The United Nations' (UN) International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer is celebrated on September 16 every year. This event commemorates the date of the signing of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in 1987. In 1987 representatives from 24 countries met in Montreal and announced to the world that it was time to stop destroying the ozone layer. In so doing, these countries committed themselves, via the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, to rid the world of substances that threaten the ozone layer. World Ozone Day marks the importance of Ozone layer and its role in the environment. So what is Ozone?. Ozone is a trioxygen inorganic molecule having pale blue color and pungent smell. Its formula is Oз which means tri oxygen. It is not only a molecule having pungent smell, it is the protective layer around the earth, the layer which protects the earth from different hazardous gases and attack of bursting stars in space. Scientists proved that fission reactions are continuously taking place in sun and other stars. If the chemicals, gases, and other reaction products directly reach to the earth, it will be very dangerous for the safety and survival of the earth. Mainly, ozone layer protects the earth from ultra violet rays, which are very hazardous for the earth. Ozone is therefore a very protective layer for earth.  But unfortunately, due to exceeded use of chlorofluorocarbons in our daily life, it effects the ozone layer.. The main sources of chlorofluorocarbons are refrigerators and air conditioners. These chlorofluorocarbons are responsible for gradual depletion of ozone layer. Scientists have observed a hole in ozone layer which is alarming for the world. Governments of different countries conduct awareness programs and ceremonies to spread the use of environmental friendly and ozone protective products. Different programs are also conducted in schools and colleges to teach young ones how to protect our world. Different activities are managed by the teachers to develop awareness in students, so they can learn the use of environmental friendly and ozone protective techniques.

हिन्दी दिवस - 14 Sep

हिन्दी दिवस प्रत्येक वर्ष 14 सितम्बर को मनाया जाता है 14 सितंबर 1949 को संविधान सभा ने एक मत से यह निर्णय लिया कि हिन्दी ही भारत की राजभाषा होगी इसी महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय के महत्व को प्रतिपादित करने तथा हिन्दी को हर क्षेत्र में प्रसारित 

करने के लिये राष्ट्रभाषा प्रचार समितिवर्धा के अनुरोध पर सन् 1953 से संपूर्ण भारत में 14 सितंबर को प्रतिवर्ष हिन्दी-दिवस के रूप में मनाया  जाता है 14 सितम्बर हिन्दी साहित्यकार  , व्यौहार  राजेन्द्र सिंह  का जन्मदिवस भी है जो जिन्होने हिन्दी को भारत की राजभाषा बनाने की दिशा में अथक  प्रयास किया हिन्दी दिवस का मुख्य उद्देश्य वर्ष में एक दिन इस बात से लोगों को रूबरू कराना है कि जब 

तक वे हिन्दी का उपयोग पूरी तरह से नहीं करेंगे तब तक हिन्दी भाषा का विकास नहीं हो सकता है इस एक दिन सभी सरकारी कार्यालयों में अंग्रेज़ी के स्थान पर  हिन्दी का उपयोग करने की सलाह दी जाती है इसके अलावा जो वर्ष भर हिन्दी में अच्छे  विकास कार्य करता है और अपने कार्य में हिन्दी का अच्छी तरह से उपयोग करता हैउसे पुरस्कार द्वारा सम्मानित किया जाता है हिन्दी सप्ताह 14 सितम्बर को हिन्दी दिवस से एक सप्ताह के लिए मनाया जाता है इस पूरे सप्ताह अलग अलग प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन किया जाता है यह आयोजन विद्यालय और कार्यालय दोनों में किया  जाता है इसका मूल उद्देश्य हिन्दी भाषा 

के लिए विकास की भावना को लोगों में केवल हिन्दी दिवस तक ही सीमित  कर उसे और अधिक बढ़ाना है इन सात दिनों में लोगों को निबंध लेखनआदि के द्वारा हिन्दी भाषा के  विकास 

और  उसके उपयोग के लाभ और  उपयोग करने पर हानि के बारे में समझाया जाता है हिन्दी भाषा के विकास के लिए कुछ लोगों के द्वारा कार्य करने से कोई खास लाभ नहीं होगाइसके लिए सभी को एक जुट होकर हिन्दी के विकास को नए आयाम तक पहुँचाना होगाहिन्दी भाषा के विकास और विलुप्त होने से बचाने के लिए यह अनिवार्य है

International Literacy Day - 08 Sep

The International Literacy Day was decided by the UNESCO at 7th of November in the year 1965 to celebrate it at 8th of September every year which was celebrated first time in the year 1966. It was started celebrating all over the world to emphasize the great importance of the literacy to the individuals, society and communities. The day is celebrated specially to rememorize the status of the literacy and adult education to the international community.   UNESCO describes literacy as “a human right, a tool of personal empowerment, and a means for social and human development”. According to the global monitoring report over education it is noted that one among the five man and two third women is illiterate. Some of them have minimum literacy skills, some children are still out of school and some are irregularly attending the school. South and West Asia is noted to have the lowest adult literacy rate of about 58.6%.  The day is celebrated having special themes, programs and goals of education all over the world. The importance of celebrating the day is to promote the public consciousness about extraordinary value of written word and requirement to encourage the literate rate of the society.  Celebrating the International Literacy Day is to promote the human attention towards the literacy and know their rights for social and human development. Literacy is as important as food to be alive and success. It is too necessary to eradicate the poverty, lowering the child mortality, controlling the population growth, attaining the gender equality and etc. Literacy has the ability to raise the family status and hence the country status. It is celebrated to encourage the people towards getting continuous education and understand their responsibilities for the family, society and the country. The theme of  International Literacy Day 2024 is "Promoting multilingual education :Literacy for mutual understanding and peace."

Teacher's Day - 05 Sep

Teacher’s day in India is celebrated every year on 5th of September to honour the contributions of the teachers in our study, society and country. There is a great reason behind celebrating the teacher’s day on 5th of September. 5th of September is the birth anniversary of a great person named, Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. He was highly devoted towards education and well known as the scholar, diplomat, President of India and most importantly a Teacher.Once, when he became an Indian President in 1962, some students requested him to allow them to celebrate his birthday on 5th of September. He said that, instead on celebrating 5th of September as my birthday personally, why not, it is celebrated as Teachers’ Day as my dedication towards the teaching profession. After his statement, 5th of September has been started celebrating as a Teachers’ Day all over the India

National Sports Day  -29 Aug

India celebrates its National Sports Day every year on the 29th August. The day is celebrated to honor the legendary hockey player, Major Dhyan Chand Singh. 29th August happens to be the birth anniversary of Dhyan Chand, who made India proud by his extraordinary sporting skills. He was the greatest hockey player India has ever seen.Dhyan Chand had joined the army at the early age and learnt the game of hockey from his coach Pankaj Gupta and soon became an expert in ball dribbling and goal scoring. He quickly became the Indian Hockey Team captain due to his excellent playing techniques and was given the nickname 'Chand' which means 'Moon'. During his sports career Dhyan Chand had won three Olympic medals and he was the first hockey player who has received the Padma Bhushan award. He had won the Olympic Gold medal six times in a row for India in hockey. His lifetime awards and achievements in sports are considered as the highest point in the history of Indian sports. The National Sports Day is dedicated to the brilliant hockey player Dhyan Chand. This day is celebrated by organizing friendly matches between different Indian hockey teams at the Dhyan Chand National stadium in New Delhi which was constructed in the respect and honor of Major Dhyan Chand.

    On this day, sports persons commemorate in a sportive way. The President of India Bestows prestigious awards such as the Arjuna and Dronacharya Award, Dhyan Chand Award, etc to the sports persons who have contributed to the growth of sports all through their sports career and also after retirement. A lot of schools throughout the country celebrate this day with different sports programs and young people are also encouraged and made aware of the possibilities in sports and what all advancement the country has obtained in sports.

Sadbhavana Divas - 20 Aug

Sadbhavana Divas is celebrated annually all across on Aug 20 . The day is also referred as Harmony day. Late Prime Minister of India, Rajeev Gandhi is commemorated on this day as Aug 20  marks the birth anniversary. The literal meaning of Sadbhavana "having good feelings for others" and this was only mission of Rajeev Gandhi. This day is celebrated throughout India to promote communal harmony, peace, national integrity, love and affection among people of India beyond the feeling of caste , colour or creed. As he believed in peace and harmony all around thus celebration of Rajeev's birth anniversary as Sadhbhavana Divas is a step towards his left over mission. Various cultural festivals and competitions are organised on Sadbhavana Divas in all most states of the country. Sadbhavana Divas is also associated with the conservation of greenery, preservation of natural and protection of environment , conservation of natural resources. Main theme of different programs on Sadbhavana Divas is to raise awareness about these crucial environmental concerns among men. Rajeev Gandhi Foundation Distributes Rajeev Gandhi National Awards to recognise the excellence achieved by Indians in different fields every year. 

Organ Donation Day - 13 Aug

Organ Donation Day in India is celebrated on 13th of August every year by the people, government organizations and other related professions in order to motivate normal human beings to donate the organs as well as to understand the value of organ donation in the life of an individual. The organ donor can be anyone of which the organ can be transplanted to the patient urgently require. The organ donated by the normal human being is saved properly to transplant into the patient whenever he or she require. One can get the new life through the organ transplantation donated by someone.

The organs which can donate are Kidney, Lungs, Heart, Eye, Liver, Pancreas, Cornea, Small Intestine, Skin tissues, Bone tissues, Heart valves and  Veins. Vital Organs like heart, liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs, and pancreas can be donated only in case of ‘brain death’. However other tissues like corneas, heart valves, skin, bones etc. can be donated only in case of natural death. The need of the organ transplantation can only be fulfilled by the process of organ donation after the brain death. But still the rate of organ donors in our country is very less just because of the myths and confusions in donating organs. The Objectives of organ donor day are,

To aware the people about the need of organ donation.

To distribute the messages of organ donation all over the country.

To remove the hesitations of the people about donating organs.

To say a grateful thanks to the donors of organs.

To motivate and encourage more people towards organ donation in their life.

There is a facility of online organ registry for the people all over India who are willing to donate organs on their own will. Organ registry ensures the proper organ donation as well as the fair use of donated organs in the future according to the priority of need and requirements of the organs to the recipients. Indian Society of Organ Transplantation was initiated the Transplant Registry in India in 2005.

 National Librarian's Day - 12 Aug

National Librarian’s day is celebrated in Indian on Aug 12 ,  in remembrance of  professor  of library science, Dr S R Ranganathan (1892-1972), who had spearheaded library development in India.  He was born in a small village of Tamil Nadu and he was a mathematician and librarian.  His most notable contributions to the field were his five laws of Library Science and the development of the first major faceted classification system, the  Colon classification. He is considered to be the father of library science, documentation and information science in India and is widely known throughout the rest of the world for his fundamental thinking in the field was a mathematician and librarian. He was president of the Indian Library Association from 1944 to 1953. In 1957 he was elected an honorary member of the International Federation for Information and Documentation (FID) and was made a vice-president for life of the Library Association of Great Britain. His famous five laws of library science are,

Books are for use
Every reader his/her book
Every book, its reader
 Save the time of the reader
 A library is a growing organism 

The Government of India awarded Padmashri to Dr. S.R. Ranganathan in 1957 for valuable contributions to Library Science and he died on 27 September 1972 at Bangalore.

 International Youth Day - 12 Aug

International Youth Day celebrated yearly on Aug 12, is a United Nations designated day of observance established in  2000 to raise awareness of issues affecting young people around the world. It is also a day to recognise the efforts of the world's youth in creating a global society and aims to promote ways to engage them in being more actively involved in making positive contributions to their communities. The theme of International Youth Day 2024 is “From Clicks to  Progress:  Youth digital Pathways for Sustainable Developments".According to UN, the theme discussed the connection between digitalization and accelerating the progress of the sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), emphasizing the crucial contributions of young people in this transformative process.  It is an annual celebration of the role of young women and men as essential partner in changes, as well as opportunity to raise awareness of the challenges and hardships facing the world's youth. Thematic discussions and information campaign will take place on 12 Aug  across the world, to encourage both member states of UN and the general public to understand the needs of young people , to implement policies to help them overcome the challenge they face and to help young people  into the decision-making process. International Youth Day focuses on the rights of these young people to have full access to education, adequate healthcare, employment opportunities, financial services and full participation in public life . The youth is leading the change, and International Youth Day ensures that they have the ability, skill, motivation and recognition to continue to do so.

Quit India Movement - 09 Aug 

In August 1942, Gandhiji launched the Quit India Movement or “Bharat Chhodo Andolan”. A resolution was passed on 8 August 1942 in Bombay by the All India Congress Committee, declaring its demand for an immediate end of British rule and a civil disobedience movement launched in India on 09th August 1942 . The Congress decided to organize a mass struggle on non-violent lines on the widest possible scale. Gandhiji’s slogan of ‘Do or Die’ (‘Karo ya Maro’) inspired the nation. Every man, women and child began dreaming of a free India. On the morning of 9th August 1942 all prominent congress leaders including Gandhi were arrested. The news of Gandhiji's arrest along with other congress leaders led to unprecedented popular outbursts in different parts of the country. There were hartals, demonstrations and processions in cities and towns. The British Government took a very serious view of the "Quit India Campaign". Winston Churchill, the prime-minister of Great Britain, instructed the Viceroy to take stern measures against the campaigners. He reacted that he was not going to preside over the liquidation of British Empire. The British were prepared to act. Almost the entire Indian National Congress leadership, and not just at the national level, was imprisoned without trial within hours after Gandhiji’s speech. Most spent the  in prison and out of contact with the masses. Protesters were arrested and tortured and their homes raided and destroyed. By December 1942, over sixty thousand people had been jailed.  The few leaders who had escaped arrest went into hiding and tried to guide the mass movement. Among them were Jai Prakash Narayan, S M Joshi, Aruna Asaf Ali, Ram Manohar Lohis, Achyut Patwardhan and Smt Sucheta Kripalani.  Many Indian businessmen were profiting from heavy wartime spending and did not support Quit India.. The only outside support came from the Americans, as President Franklin D Roosevelt pressured Prime Minister Winston Churchill to give in to Indian demands. The British refused to grant immediate independence, saying it could happen only after the war ended.

Hiroshima Day - 06 Aug

Seventy seven years ago today, on August 6, 1945, Hiroshima , Japan, became the first city in the world to be struck by an atomic bomb. It happened during the world war II . The bomb, nicknamed Little Boy, was dropped by a specially equipped U.S. Air Force B-29, the Enola Gay, which had taken off from Tinian Island in the Marianas and was piloted by U.S. brigadier general Paul Warfield Tibbets Jr.The blast and heat destroyed everything in the nearby vicinity, burning 4.4 square miles, while killing immediately some 70,000 people (one-fifth of the city’s population) and injuring some 70,000 others. The Bomb destroyed 70 percent of the Buildings in Hiroshima and generations suffered due to the effects of Radiation . On August 15, just days after the bombing of Nagasaki and the Soviet Union's Declaration of war, Japan announced its surrender to the Allies. On September 2, it signed the instrument of surrender, effectively ending World War II .The incident shook the world and brought into light the terrible after effects of nuclear warfare. Antiwar movements and Nuclear disarmament movement strengthened around the world. The day reminds all of us the irony of killing thousands to save thousands, war and its terrible destruction and the today’s need and importance for universal harmony and peace.  So friends, Lets all take a pledge today that we will always work together towards spreading the message of  mutual  respect, peace and harmony and will never endorse any acts  of violence.

प्रेमचंद की जयंती - 31 जुलाई

हिन्दी साहित्य के सबसे अधिक पढ़े जाने वाले और लोकप्रियलेखक प्रेमचंद जी ने हिन्दी में कहानी और उपन्यास को सुदृढ़ नीव प्रदान कीऔर यथार्थवादी चित्रण से देशवासियों का दिल जीत लिया भारतीय समाज कीकुरीतियों और विडम्बनाओं को अपनी कहानियों का विषय बनाने वाले प्रेमचंदजी का जन्म 31 जुलाई 1880 को  वाराणसी के निकट लमही गाँव में हुआ थाप्रेमचंद जी का मूल नाम धनपत राय श्रीवास्तव  था अपने मित्र मुंशीदयानारायण निगम के सुझाव पर धनपत राय की बजाय  प्रेमचंद के उपनाम  सेलिखने लगे थे प्रेमचंद जी हिन्दी और उर्दू के महानतम लेखकों में से एक हैंप्रेमचंद ने साहित्य को सच्चाई के धरातल पर उतारा उन्होंने जीवन औरकालखंडों को पन्ने पर उतारावे सांप्रदायिकताभ्रष्टाचारजमींदारीकर्जखोरी,गरीबीउपनिवेशवाद पर आजीवन लिखते रहेये कहना अतिश्योक्ति  होगीकि वे आम भारतीय के रचनाकार थेउनकी रचनाओं में वे नायक  हुएजिसेभारतीय समाज अछूत और घृणित समझता था 1936 में प्रगतिशील लेखकसंघ के पहले सम्मेलन की अध्यक्षता करते हुए उन्होंने कहा कि  लेखक स्वभावसे प्रगतिशील होता है और जो ऐसा नहीं है वह लेखक नहीं है प्रेमचंद हिन्दीसाहित्य के युग प्रवर्तक हैंउन्होंने हिंदी और उर्दू में पूरे अधिकार से लिखाउनकी अधिकांश  रचनाएं मूल रूप से उर्दू में लिखी गई  हैं लेकिन उनका प्रकाशनहिंदी में  पहले हुआ 33 वर्षों के रचनात्मक जीवन  में वे साहित्य की ऐसी विरासतसौप गए जो गुणों की दृष्टि से अमूल्य है  और      आकार की दृष्टि से असीमितउनकी सभी पुस्तकों के अंग्रेज़ी  उर्दू रूपांतर तो हुए ही हैंचीनीरूसी  आदिअनेक विदेशी भाषाओं में भी उनकी कहानियाँ लोकप्रिय हुई हैं उनकी साधारणमुहावरेदार भाषा आसानी से समझ में आती है और गहराई से दिल में उतर जातीहैआज भी मुंशी प्रेमचंद जी हम सब के बीच अपनी कहानियों और उपन्यासों केमाध्यम से जीवित हैं

Birth Anniversary of JK Rowling - 31 Jul

JK Rowling was born on Jul 31st 1965 in yate, England. She came from humble economic means before writing Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, a children's fantasy novel. The work was an international hit and Rowling wrote six more books in the series, which sold into the hundreds of millions and was adapted into a blockbuster film franchise. In 2012, Rowling released the non-Potter novel The Casual Vacancy. She adopts her pen name , JK  incorporating her grandmother’s name Kathleen for the later initial. The famous books of JK Rowling are Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone ,Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsHarry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban , Harry Potter and the Goblet of FireHarry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix , Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. J.K. Rowling has also written The Cuckoo's Calling (Little Brown), her first crime novel under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith, which was published in 2013 and is to be translated into 37 languages.  In 2014 she wrote The silkworm, in 2015 Career of Evil and in 2018 Lethal White . In October 2010, Rowling was named the "Most Influential Woman in Britain" by leading magazine editors. She has supported charities including Comic ReliefOne Parent FamiliesMultiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain .Today, the Harry Potter franchise has earned $15 billion and is a world-wide brand. Rowling has won many awards and prizes for the series and her other literary works. And above all, she has won billions of hearts.

International Tiger Day – 29 Jul

International Tiger Day, also referred to as Global Tiger Day, is an annual observance aimed at raising awareness of the importance of tiger conservation. It was established in 2010 at the International Tiger Forum that took place in the city of Saint Petersburg, Russia. The International Tiger Forum was the world's first “tiger summit” organized by Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin and President of the World Bank Robert Zoellick. At the summit, the Global Tiger Recovery Program was adopted. The anniversary of its adoption was declared International Tiger Day. This ecological observance focuses on promoting protection of the natural habitats of tigers and raising public awareness of tiger conservation issues. Tiger is the largest cat species on Earth. Tigers once were widely spread, but now tiger is an endangered species. Over the past century, tigers have lost more than 90% of their historic range. At the start of the 20th century, the global population of tigers in the wild was estimated at 1,00,000 individuals, while as few as 3,200 exist in the wild today. Tiger conservation is one of the main objectives of international animal conservation organizations. Countries join efforts to protect tigers are India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Russia.

World Hepatitis Day – 28 Jul 

World Health Organisation (WHO) mark 28th July of each year as World Hepatitis Day to spread the awareness and seriousness of viral hepatitis and the diseases that it causes. Viral hepatitis is an infectious disease spread mainly by five types of Hepatitis viruses namely, Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E . It results in the inflammation of liver and kills around 1.4 million people annually. The Viruses are transmitted through different routes – Hepatitis A and E through contaminated food and water; Hepatitis B – through unsafe blood and other bodily fluids and Hepatitis C – mostly through infectious blood.  If left untreated and unmanaged, hepatitis B or C can lead to advanced liver scarring (cirrhosis) and other complications, including liver cancer or liver failure. 28th July was chosen for World Hepatitis Day because it is the birthday of Nobel Prize Winner Professor Baruch Samuel Blumberg, who discovered the hepatitis B virus. The objective of dedicating a day for Hepatitis Awareness is to provide an opportunity to focus on strengthening prevention, screening and control of viral hepatitis and the diseases that it causes. The theme of World Hepatitis day 2024 is “ It's time for action".

Kargil Vijay Diwas - 26 July

Kargil Vijay Diwas is celebrated on 26 July every year in honour of the Kargil War's Heroes . Kargil Vijay Divas named after the success of Operation Vijay, on 26 July 1999, India successfully took command of the high outposts which had been lost to Pakistani intruders. The 'Operation Vijay' was launched on 26th May 1999 to clear of the area fully from the infiltrators backed by the Pakistan army.  The Kargil War was fought for more than 60 days, ended on 26 July and resulted in the loss of life on both sides, India and Pakistan and with the Indian regain possessions of Kargil . The war is one of the most recent examples of high-altitude warfare in mountain terrain, which posed significant logistical problems for the combating sides . The Government of India responded  confidently with Operation Vijay . A total number of 527 soldiers of the Indian Armed forces lost their lives during this war. This day is celebrated in the Kargil - Dras sector and the national capital New Delhi, where the Prime Minister of India, pays homage to the soldiers at Amar Jawan Jyoti at India Gate  every ear. Functions are also organized all over the country to commemorate the contribution of the Armed forces .

World Population Day - 11 Jul

World Population Day is observed on Jul 11 every year, which seeks to raise awareness of global population issues. The event was established by the Governing Council of the united Nations Development programme in 1989. It was inspired by the public interest in Five billion day on Jul 11, 1987 approximately the date on which the world's population reached five billion people. In 1989, in its decision 89/46, the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme recommended that, in order to focus attention on the urgency and importance of population issues in the context of overall development plans and programme and the need to find solutions for these issues, 11 Jul should be observed by the international community as world populations Day. The theme of world population day 2023 is" Unleashing the power of gender equality: Uplifting the voices of women and girls to unlock our world's infinite possibilities". The world population as on July 2023 estimated to be 8 Billion.

Some of the objectives of celebrating the world population day are :

It is celebrated to protect and empower youths of both gender like girls and boys.

To make people understand the importance of delayed marriage until they are responsible enough to bear the responsiblity.

Educate people to remove the gender stereotypes from society.

Educate them about the pregnancy related illnesses to raise the public awareness about dangers of early childbirth.

Demand for some effective laws and policies implementation in order to protect girl child rights.

Make sure about the access of equal primary education to both girls and boys.

International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking - 26 Jun

The International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is a United Nations International Day against drug abuses and the illegal drug trade. It has been held annually since 1988 on 26 June, a date chosen to commemorate Lin Zexu's dismantling of the opium trade in Humen, Guangdong, just before the First Opium war in China. The observance was instituted by general Assembly Resolution 42/112 of 7 December 1987. By resolution 42/112 of 7 December 1987, the General Assembly decided to observe 26 June as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking as an expression of its determination to strengthen action and cooperation to achieve the goal of an international society free of drug abuse. This resolution recommended further action with regard to the report and conclusions of the 1987 International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. The General Assembly recognized that despite continued and increased efforts by the international community, the world drug problem continues to constitute a serious threat to public health, the safety and well-being of humanity, in particular young people, and the national security and sovereignty of States, and that it undermines socio-economic and political stability and sustainable development. On the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, let us raise awareness about the value of applying a balanced approach to the problems based on an understanding that sustainable development can and must catalyze change across all these fronts. The theme of this year campaign is  "The evidence is clear : Invest in Prevention". This year's World drug day campaign recognizes that effective drug policies must be rooted in science, research, full respect of human rights, compassion, and a deep understanding of the social, economic and health implications of drug use.  

International Yoga day - 21 Jun

The International Day of Yoga has been celebrated annually on 21 June since 2015, following its inception in the United Nations General Assembly in 2014. Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice which originated in India. The Indian Prime Minister ,Narendra Modi, in his UN address suggested the date of 21 June, as it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and shares a special significance in many parts of the world. The theme of International Yoga day 2024 is "Yoga for Women Empowerment" which prioritizes the physical and mental well-being of women." 

Yoga is a process in which man tries to bring his mind ,body and soul together. Yoga is a Sanskrit word meaning to meet or be united. Yoga originates from Indian culture. People have been practicing yoga since about 5000 years ago. Yoga does not have physical fitness primarly, in yoga people try to control their body and mind, through mental focus and breathing method.

If men teach yoga, then they are called yogis and if women teach, they are called yoginis. Yoga Sutra is a 2000-year-old book. This is the only book in which written evidence of Yoga has been found. This book is the oldest book about Yoga. Yogic philosophy is described in this book. A lot of methods have been conveyed about how someone can control their mind, their emotion, and merge into spirituality

Yoga is divided into six branches namely Hatha yoga, Raja yoga, Karma yoga, Bhakti yoga, Jnana yoga, Tantra yoga. There are also seven chakras of yoga styles namely Sahasram chakra, Ajna chakra, Vishuddha chakra, Anahata chakra,Manipura chakra, Svadhishthana chakra, Muladhara chakra.

 There are total 13 types of yoga: Kundalini Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Yin Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Power Yoga, Sivananda Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Aerial Yoga, Acro Yoga.

The International Yoga Day was adopted to fulfil the below-mentioned objectives.

1)  To promote better mental and physical health benefits among the masses.

2)      To draw the attention of people towards holistic advantages of yoga.

3)        To promote awareness about the natural and amazing results among the people.

4)      To help people connect with nature by practising yoga on a daily basis.

5)        To reduce the rate of fatal diseases all over the world.

6)        To unify communities through spending time for health from a busy schedule.

7)      To enhance growth and development and bring peace.

World Refugee Day – 20 Jun

World Refugee Day is observed every year by the people on 20th of June in order to raise the public awareness about refugee’s situations throughout the world. Celebrating World Refugee Day annually on 20th of June was declared by the United Nations General Assembly in the Resolution 55/76 on 4th of December in 2000. It was started celebrating worldwide as an annual event from 2001 on every 20th of June. World refugee day is celebrated every year   to support millions of families all over the world who have lost their homes and dear ones because of violence or war. The day was established by the General Assembly of United Nations for the refugees to honor them for their courage of facing lots of problems after losing homes due to conflict or violence and their contributions to their communities. World refugee day celebration provides an opportunity to all to help the refugees worldwide to rebuild their quality lives through lots of related activities. Refugees are provided variety of lifesaving assistance, safety and protection by the government agencies and organizations. They are provided tents, shelter, living materials supplies and served with the life-saving services. The goal of celebrating this event is increasing public awareness among common public by sharing the related refugee stories. The theme for World Refuge day 2024 is "Hope away from Home: A world Where Refugees are always included.: This theme emphazises the importance of inclusion and support for refugees, ensuring that they are welcomed and integrated into communities allowing them to rebuild their lives with hope and dignity.   

Vayanadinam (Day of Reading) -  19 Jun

Jun 19 is the death anniversary of Sri. P N Panicker  who is  known as the Father of the Library Movement in Kerala. Panicker was born on 1 March 1909 in kuttanadu  in the erstwhile  Travancore state . The young Panicker showed a keen interest in reading newspaper and books. Not only did he read them , he also read the daily news to groups of illiterate of all age groups.  Panicker led the formation of Thiruvithaamkoor Granthasala Sangham (Travancore Library Association) in 1945 with 47 rural libraries. The slogan of the organization was 'Read and Grow'. Later on, with the formation of Kerala State in 1956, it became Kerala Granthasala Sangham (KGS). He traveled to the villages of Kerala proclaiming the value of reading. He succeeded in bringing some 6,000 libraries into this network. Grandhasala Sangham won the prestigious "Krupsakava Award" from  UNESCO in 1975. Panicker was the General Secretary of Sangham for 32 years, until 1977, when it was taken over by the State Government. The activities of the Kerala Grandhasala Sanghom that he initiated triggered a popular cultural movement in Kerala which produced universal literacy in the state in the 1990s. He died on 19 June 1995, at the age of 86. Department of Posts honored Panicker by issuing a commemorative postage stamp on 21 June 2004. The Government of Kerala observes 19 June annually as Vayanadinam (Day of Reading).  During the vayanadinam , with a month long series of activities were conducted at schools and public institutions to honour the contributions of P.N. Panicker to the cause of literacy, education and library movement.

World Blood Donor Day -  14 Jun

Every year, on 14 June, countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day (WBDD). The event serves to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products and to thank blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood. Blood is an important resource, both for planned treatments and urgent interventions. It can help patients suffering from life-threatening conditions live longer and with a higher quality of life, and supports complex medical and surgical procedures. Blood is also vital for treating the wounded during emergencies of all kinds (natural disasters, accidents, armed conflicts, etc.) and has an essential, life-saving role in maternal and perinatal care.

The slogan for 2023 World Blood Donor Day campaign is “Give blood, give plasma, share life, share often.”  It focuses on patients requiring life-long transfusion support and underlines the role every single person can play, by giving the valuable gift of blood or plasma. It also highlights the importance of giving blood or plasma regularly to create a safe and sustainable supply of blood and blood products that can be always available, all over the world, so that all patients in need can receive timely treatment.".

The campaign underlines the role every single person can play in helping others in emergency situations, by giving the valuable gift of blood. It also focuses on the fact that it is important to give blood regularly, so that the blood stock is sufficient before an emergency arises. Government has made various Campaigns to focus on the task of making the people to give their Blood to the Blood Donation Camps for the Blood needy people. There are many ways by which the Government makes the people to encourage for giving lots of Blood with the help of celebrating many of the events like Scientific Conferences, Sports activities, Debates, Discussions, many promotional activities in the Colleges, Schools, Educational Institutes. 

The theme of World Blood Donor day 2024 is "20 years of Celebrating Giving  : Thank you Blood Donors".   

World day against child Labour – 12 Jun

The International Labour Organization (ILO) launched the World Day Against Child Labour in 2002 to focus attention on the global extent of child labour and the action and efforts needed to eliminate it. Each year on 12 June, the World Day brings together governments, employers and workers organizations, civil society, as well as millions of people from around the world to highlight the plight of child labourers and what can be done to help them.

According to ILO's data, hundreds of millions of girls and boys throughout the world are involved in work that deprives them from receiving adequate education, health, leisure and basic freedoms, violating this way their rights. Of these children, more than half are exposed to the worst forms of child labour.  Child labour involves the regular working of children in their childhood at very young age from five to fourteen years. Children in many developing countries are forced to work hard for full day against their will at very low pay for their survival.  Following are some solutions to prevent child labor:

All the children should be given first priority by their parents to take proper and regular education from their early childhood.

Child labour needs high level social awareness with the proper statistics of huge loss in the future for any developing country.

Every family must earn their minimum income in order to survive and prevent child labour..

There is need of more effective and strict government laws against child labour in order to prevent children from working in their little age.

Child trafficking should be completely abolished by the governments of all countries.

The theme for World day against child labour 2024 is " Let's act on our commitments : End Child Labour" 

World Oceans Day – 08 Jun

World Oceans Day was officially established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2008 to be celebrated worldwide on 8th of June annually to resolve the ocean issues and save ocean water.  World Oceans Day event provides an opportunity to all to combat with the current challenges spoiling the ocean cycle. because Oceans are the critical part of biosphere and essential element for the food security and life survival on the earth. 

The ocean covers over 70% of the planet. It is our life source, supporting humanity’s sustenance and that of every other organism on earth.The ocean produces at least 50% of the planet’s oxygen, it is home to most of earth’s biodiversity, and is the main source of protein for more than a billion people around the world. Not to mention, the ocean is key to our economy with an estimated 40 million people being employed by ocean-based industries by 2030.Even though all its benefits, the ocean is now in need of support.

With 90% of big fish populations depleted, and 50% of coral reefs destroyed, we are taking more from the ocean than can be replenished. We need to work together to create a new balance with the ocean that no longer depletes its bounty but instead restores its vibrancy and brings it new life. People are motivated to directly involve in the celebration through the many activities like beach cleanups, educational activities, film festivals, art contests, saving water creatures including other activities raising public awareness. People get motivated about saving all the water resources such as rivers, ponds and etc. Some of the objectives of this day are mentioned below:

To motivate the public to change their attitudes by encouraging them to understand the need and importance of oceans in their daily life.

To motivate people to learn about important ocean creatures and their role in maintaining the ecosystem cycle.

To promote the oceans conservation throughout the world by encouraging everyone to become a good caretaker of the oceans and other water resources.

The theme for World Oceans Day 2024 is "Awaken New Depths ".

World Environment Day - 05 Jun

The World Environment Day  is a campaign celebrated every year by the people worldwide on 5th of June. This campaign was established to raise the global awareness among people about the environmental issues as well as take positive environmental actions. It is handled by the United Nations Environment Programme and was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972. It is a day to especially focus on the current environmental conditions to make environment better. It is celebrated by the people in more than 100 countries .  This day was created to promote people to work for environmental issues and become active agents of the sustainable and eco-friendly development worldwide  The condition of our environment is getting declined day by day because of the pollution and global warming. We should celebrate and promote eco-friendly development in our country in order to save the environment for better future. Different kinds of exhibitions are organized to promote environmental awareness among people. It attracts a huge gathering of academics, environmentalists, professors, scientists, politicians, etc including common public where new ideas are created concerning the environment. The theme for World Environment day 2024 is "Our Land, Our future : We are Generation Restoration  "

World No Tobacco Day - May 31

World No Tobacco day is observed around the world every year on May 31. It is intended to encourage a 24 hour period of abstinence from all forms of tobacco consumption around the globe . The day is further intended to draw attention to the widspread prevalence of tobacco use and to negtive health effects, which currently lead to nearly 6 million deaths each year worldwide, the member states of the World Health Organisation created World No Tobacco Day in 1987. In the past twenty nine years, the day has been met with both enthusiasm and resistance around the globe from governments, public health organizations, smokers , growers, and the tobacco industry. These products that give you pleasure for a while but these are the only products that will take your life away. Tobacco is one of those products which is harmful. After chewing it , it will bound the brain and you will start feel energetic for some time you will never get to know how and why. Once you caught in this giant wheel of addiction it's very hard to get out of this. The main objective of celebrating the World No Tobacco Day all over the world is to promote and encourage the common public to reduce or stop the use of tobacco or its products consumption as it may lead to the some lethal diseases (cancer,heat problem) or even death. Individual from different region of the country, no-profit and public health orgazizations get participated very actively in the campaign celebration to get global success and invloves in distributing playcards, posters display having latest theme and informtion related to the bad effects of tobacco use or its product  smoking .The theme for World No Tobacco Day 2024 is "Protecting Children from tobacoo industry interference".


Rabindranath Tagore was born on May 7 1861 and his father’s name was Devendranath Tagore who was a leader of Bramo Samaj  and mother’s name was Sharada Devi. He was the eldest son of his parents and popularly known as Gurudev. At the age of seven he shows his ability to write beautiful verses and describe any event with clarity. But he disliked formal education and with the insistence of his brother he went to England for study, but he returned without completing his studies. Two special topics he liked most are human relationship and motherland. His best known work is Gitanjali and for this work he got Nobel prize for literature in 1913, Besides poetry, he wrote plays, dance-dramas, stories and novels. He is the author of our national anthem Janaganamana and he is the founder of Shantiniketan. Most of his works are in Bangali and later it translated to   other languages . He created numerous drawings, paintings and songs also. In 1941 he fell ill and died on 7 August 1941.

World Books and Copyright Day 23 - Apr

Today 23 Apr the whole world celebrate as World Book and Copyright Day and it is the occasion to pay a worldwide tribute to books and authors and to encourage people to discover the pleasure of reading.. It is hoped that this will lead to the renewed respect for those who have made irreplaceable contributions to social and cultural progress. The history regarding this day is that, the UNESCO wants to form a day to celebrate books, authors and the laws to protect them and they choose the day 23 Apr. The importance of this day is that it is the birth day or death anniversary of internationally renowned writers like Maurice Druon, Vladimir Nabokov Cervantes, Shakespeare , Garcilaso de la Vega and Josep Pla. The logo for the world Book and Copyright day is circle, representing the world, and two books, one of which is open. So it is our duty to , encouraging everyone, and in particular young people, to discover the pleasure of reading and to gain a renewed respect for the extraordinary contributions of those who have furthered the social and cultural progress of humanity. The famous quotation of Roman philosopher and statesman, Marcus Tullius ciero is that “ A room without books is like a body without a soul.”

World Earth day - 22 Apr

Earth Day is an annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First held on April 22, 1970, it now includes a wide range of events coordinated globally by including 1 billion people in more than 193 countries.

The Earth day 2024 theme is " Planet vs.Plastics" underscores the imperative for collaborative efforts to restore ecosystems, address climate change and safeguard biodiversity".   Earth is the only planet in the Universe where life is possible till date. It is necessary to maintain the natural assets of the earth in order to continue the life on the earth.

Some serious problems threatening our planet are Pollution, wastage, global warming, and deforestation. These are interconnected and are slowly affecting earth. We must awaken to our common threats. We must direct our energy in appreciating and preserving the awesome gift of life on earth and save our planet. When the people have become aware that our planet is in danger. People have also started making small changes, but that is not enough. On the individual level, if we begin to change some of our habits, it will make a great difference. After all, protecting the earth is the responsibility of each individual.

The World Earth Day is celebrated worldwide to create awareness about the ever increasing global warning, various burning issues related to climate change, constantly increasing sea level, depletion of ozone layer and ruthless deforestation.  There is no one way to celebrate this day. Every individual can contribute in his or her own way to make this day a success. On this day, some volunteers go to a nearby land to plant trees for a greener planet while some volunteers decide to clean neighboring trail or river. A number of artists join hands and try to create public awareness by making posters, through origami projects or through their paintings.

World Health Day - 07 Apr

The 'World Health Day' is celebrated on 7th April every year. It is celebrated under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization (WHO). The First World Health Assembly was held in 1948, by the World Health Organization and the Assembly decided to celebrate 7th April of each year, with effect from 1950, as the World Health Day. The WHO organizes international, regional and local events on the Day related to a particular theme. . The theme  of world health day 2023 is  “Health for All”. On 7th Apr 2023 , the World Health Organization observed its 75th anniversary.  World Health Day targets all the health issues on global basis for which several programs are organized yearly by the WHO and other related health organizations at various places like schools, colleges and other crowd places. It is celebrated to remember the establishment of the World health Organization as well as draw the attention of people towards the major health issues in the world. World Health Day celebration focuses on increasing the life expectancy by adding good health to the lives of people and promoting healthier living habits.

Some of the objectives of why it is being celebrated yearly are ,

> To increase the public awareness of various causes and prevention of high blood pressure.

> To provide detail knowledge of getting prevented from various diseases and their complications.

> To encourage most vulnerable group of people to frequently check their blood pressure and follow medications from the professionals.

> To promote self care among people.

> To motivate the worldwide health authorities to make their own efforts in creating the healthy environments in their country.

> To protect families living in the disease vulnerable areas.

> To teach travelers and send them a messages about how to get protected from the vector-borne diseases while traveling.

Earth Hour 2022 - 27 Mar

Earth Hour is a worldwide movement organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). The event is held annually encouraging individuals , communities and business to turn off non-essential electric lights for one hour from 8.30 to 9.30 pm on a specific day towards the end of March, as a symbol of commitment to the planet. It was stated as a lights-off event in Sydney, Australia in 2007. Since then , it has grown to engage more than 7000 cities and towns across 187 countries and territories to raise awareness for energy consumption and effects on the environment. Bharat Scouts and Guides and World Scouting has been supporting this initiative every year since it came into being. Earth hour aims to spark global conversations on protecting nature not only to combat the climate crisis, but to ensure our own health, happiness, prosperity and  even survival. The Earth Hour 2024 theme is Uniting for Our  One Shared home.

National Science Day – 28 Feb

National Science Day is celebrated all over India with great enthusiasm on 28 Feb every year in order to commemorate the invention of the Raman Effect by the Indian Physicist, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman on the same day in the year 1928. For his great success in the field of science , Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman was awarded and honored with the Nobel Prize in Physics in the year 1930. Sir C.V Raman was honoured with Bharata Ratna in 1954. Sir. C.V. Raman started contributing to  science even at the young age of 18 by publishing his inventions and discoveries in international magazines like ‘Nature’. He started the first Indian Scientific Research Institute to promote scientific investigation among the Indians.  In 1986, the National Council for Science and Technology Communication  asked the  Government of India to designate 28 February as National Science Day. From then, the national science day was started celebrating all across the India as a great event in the field of Indian science. It is celebrated every year by students, teachers, scientists and researchers in all the schools, colleges, universities, educational institution including scientific, academic, medical, and technical and research institutions of India.

The Objectives of Celebrating National Science Day are

(a)      To widely spread a message about the significance of scientific applications in the daily life of the people.

(b)    To display the all the activities, efforts and achievements in the field of science for human welfare.

(c)        To discuss all the issues and implement new technologies for the development of the science.

(d)          To give an opportunity to the scientific minded citizens in the country.

(e)          To encourage the people as well as popularize the Science and Technology

On this day, various activities are organized. Activities like debates, quiz competitions, exhibitions, lectures are held on this day. A different theme is selected every year and all the forth programmes and activities are based around that theme. The theme of National Science day  2024 is "Indigenous Technologies for Viksit Bharat"

World Day of Social Justice  - 20 Feb

World Day of Social Justice is a day recognizing the need to promote efforts to tackle issues such as povertyexclusion and unemployment. Many organizations, including the UN and the International Labour Office, make statements on the importance of social justice for people.. The United Nations General Assembly has decided to observe 20 February annually, approved on 26 November 2007 and starting in 2009, as the World Day of Social Justice.

As recognized by the World Summit, social development aims at social justice, solidarity, harmony and equality within and among countries and social justice, equality and equity constitute the fundamental values of all societies. To achieve “a society for all”,  governments made a commitment to the creation of a framework for action to promote social justice at national, regional and international levels. They also pledged to promote the equitable distribution of income and greater access to resources through equity and equality and opportunity for all .Social justice is an underlying principle for peaceful and prosperous coexistence within and among nations. We uphold the principles of social justice when we promote gender equality or the rights of indigenous peoples and migrants. We advance  social justice when we remove barriers that people face because of gender, age, raceethnicityreligionculture or disability.

Human dignity is very much essential and United Nations insists on the same. World Day of Justice is observed for the same reason and it tries to support all efforts of the international community:

To eradicate poverty from any society

To promote full employment to the qualified

To provide decent work that helps an individual to make a living

To encourage gender equity that ensures social well-being of all

Every year World Day of Social Justice is observed on February 20 and a theme is fixed for the  same. The theme for 2024 is

National Women's Day - 13 Feb

National Women's Day of India is observed on 13 Feb in every year. This day is observed on the date of birth of India's first women Governor Sarojini Naidu. Her Birthday has been selected to observe as a National Women's Day in recognition of the works done by her for upliftment and development of women in India. 

              Sarojini Naidu' was born on 13th February 1879 in a Bengali family at Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. From the years of her very early childhood, she showed signs of exceptional talent. She got married to Dr. Govindarajulu Naidu of Andhra Pradesh in 1895. She was also known as the 'Nightingale of India'.  This great leader and freedom fighter used to write poems and also sing very well. Sarojini Naidu began writing poems in English while she was still in school. With the help and inspiration of Gopal Krishna Gokhale, she found her way into the politics of India. She got closely involved with the freedom movement of the INC (Indian National Congress). She became a member of the Royal Literary Society London. She also became the President of the Indian National Congress. Sarojini Naidu took active part in the Civil Disobedience Movement, Satyagraha Movement and the Quit India Movement. She was also sent to jail  several times.

Lastly India got independence in 1947 and Sarojini Naidu was made the Governor of Uttar Pradesh State. She was the first Indian woman to become the President of the Indian National Congress. She was also the first Indian woman to become Governor of any State in India. Her famous literary works are Golden Threshold, The Bird of time, The Magic tree etc. Sarojini Naidu passed away on 2nd March 1949.

World Cancer Day - 04 Feb 

World Cancer Day is an international day marked on february  4 to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection and treatment. World Cancer Day was founded by the Union of International Cancer Control (UICC) to support the goals of the World cancer Declaration written in 2008. The primary goal of the World Cancer Day is to significantly reduce illness and death caused by cancer by 2020. World Cancer Day targets misinformation, raises awareness, and reduces stigma. Multiple initiatives run on World Cancer Day to show support for those affected by cancer.

 The day was planned to start its annual celebration in order to save millions lives from the cancer as well as instruct people to check its symptoms, follow its preventive measures and gets saved from the risk of this epidemic disease. The day, 4th of February was established specially for raising the cancer awareness among people, teaching them about healthy diet, regular and proper physical activity and a lesson on how to get prevented from the environmental carcinogens.

World cancer day is celebrated to make aware the normal people about the risk factors and preventive measures of the cancer to get prevented or its early detection. Generally, people suffering from the cancer are hated by the normal people in the society and behaved like an untouched person. ThThere are various other social myths related to the cancer that normal people think that they would got cancer if they would touch or live with the person having cancer. The day is celebrated as well to remove such type of the social myths related to the cancer. It is celebrated to make the normal aware about all the reality of the cancer like its symptoms, causing factors, treatment, and etc. e

The  theme of World Cancer day 2024 is "Together, we challenges those in power" which is a continuation of the 2022 theme and will end by this year (a 3 year campaign) with specified objectives for each year;

World Wetlands Day - 02 Feb

World Wetlands Day occurs annually on February 2nd, marking the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on February 2, 1971. It is established to raise awareness about the value of wetlands for humanity and the planet, WWD was celebrated for the first time in 1997 and has grown remarkably since then. Each year, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and groups of citizens at all levels of the community, have taken advantage of the opportunity to undertake actions aimed at raising public awareness of wetland values and benefits. Some of these benefits include: biologically diverse ecosystems that provide habitat for many species, serve as buffers on the coast against storms and flooding, and naturally filter water by breaking down or transforming harmful pollutants. Wetlands play an important role in helping to provide communities with resilience to natural hazards such as flooding caused by storms, cyclones, storm surges and tsunamis. Under projected climate change scenarios, extreme climatic events, including floods, droughts and storms are expected to increase in frequency and intensity. 

Unfortunately, wetlands are often viewed as wasteland, and more than 64% of the world’s wetlands have disappeared since 1900. World Wetlands Day is an annual opportunity to raise public awareness and promote the value of wetlands.

 It is celebrated to make aware the public, discus the value of wetlands, its beneficial aspects as well as to promote its conservation and use for enhancing the overall level of the human health, growth and development. The event celebration plays a great role in making the healthy wetlands in order to deliver the worth ecosystem service to benefit the common people. The demands of water required for growing crops, energy supply and various needs of the industry are also focused during the celebration. It is celebrated to promote the proper use of wetlands and their resources.

Martyr's Day - 30 Jan

Since Mahatma Gandhiji’s martyrdom on January 30, 1948 this day was declared as the Martyrs’ Day. Since then every year the Nation  pays homage to the Mahatma Gandhi and other martyrs on this day.  On Martyr’s Day, the President, the Vice President, the Prime Minister, the Defence Minister, and the three service Chiefs gather at the Samadhi of Mahatma Gandhi at Raj ghat and lay wreaths on the Samadhi decorated with multi-colour flowers. The armed forces personnel blow the bugles sounding the Last Post. The inter-services contingent reverse arms as a mark of respect to the martyrs. A two-minute silence in memory of the  Father of the Nation and other martyrs is observed throughout the country at 11 AM on this day. Participants hold all-religion prayers and sing tributary bhajans  also. The Nation pays homage to the martyrs who suffered and died for the freedom, welfare, and progress of the country, on January 30 every year

Birth Anniversary of Lala Lajpath Rai - 28 Jan

Lala Lajpat Rai, popularly known as Punjab Kesari, was a famous freedom fighter of India. He was born on 28 January 1865 in Punjab state of India. His father's name was Radha Krishan, who was an Urdu teacher. Lala Lajpat Rai was an Indian Punjabi author and politician who is chiefly remembered as a leader in the  Indian Independence movement. Lala Lajpat Rai was a large believer in the idea of Hinduism. He was one of the important members of the Hindu Maha Sabha. Lala Lajpat Rai was highly influenced by socialist reformer Swami Dayananda Saraswati and was the strong supporter of the Arya Samaj movement. He joined Indian National Congress and took active part in the freedom struggle of India. Lala Lajpat Rai was elected President of the Congress party in the Calcutta Special Session of 1920. He was one of the three extremist members of the Indian National Congress who gave their life for the independence of India along with other two members Bal GangadharTilak and Bipin Chandra Pal. They were collectively known as Lal-Bal-Pal. These extremist members of the Indian National Congress wanted self-government for India and they were the first Indian leaders to demand the complete political independence for the country. Lala Lajpat Rai worked with great Energy and enthusiasm to improve education and social conditions in India. He was the leader of Punjab in protests against the Jallian wala bagh Massacre. He also led the non-cooperation movement in Punjab. He died on 17 November 1928  at the age of 63 after sustaining serious injuries in lathi charge carried by the police when he leading a non-violent protest against the Simon Commission.

Republic Day - 26 Jan

India became Independent in 1947. But on January 26, 1950 India breathed in the republican atmosphere. The Indian Constitution came into effect from that day. Since then this Day is celebrated as the Republic Day. This year India celebrating its 75th Republic day.  New Delhi, the capital of our country, is the main centre of the Republic Day celebrations. A special parade is held on this day. The people gather at Raj path to see the ceremony. Republic Day is celebrated all over India with great pomp and fanfare. To celebrate the Republic Day with big pomp and show, extra security arrangements are made. A procession starts from Vijay Chowk. The President of India takes the salute from the Jawans of Army, Navy and Air-force. There is a display of marching units of bands, tanks and big guns. They are followed by Tableau from all the states. Every state displays its tableau on this day and at the end, best tableau is awarded. There is a coloful fly past of aero planes. This year French President Emmanuel Macron will be the Chief guest.

National Girl Child Day - 24 Jan

In India, 'National Girl Child Day' or 'Rashtriya BalikaDiwas' is observed on 24th January every year. It is a day dedicated towards the welfare of the girl child in India. The day is observed to address the needs and concerns of a girl child’s health, nutrition and education among the masses. The initiative of setting up this day as a Rashtriya BalikaDiwas was undertaken by the Indian Government during 2009. The date 24th marks the day in 1966 when Indira Gandhi became the ‘First Woman Prime Minister of India’. The Ministry of Women and Child Development took the initiative of implementing and organizing the day. Rashtriya BalikaDiwas is a day dedicated towards the welfare of the girl child in India. On this day, many functions and events are organized by the NGOs all over the country. The objectives of celebrating National Girl day are,

It is celebrated as a national observance to increase the consciousness of the people and offer new opportunities to the girl child in the society.

To remove all the inequalities faced by the girl children of the Indian society.

To make certain that every girl child is getting proper respect and value in the Indian society.

To ensure that the girl children are getting their all the human rights in the country.

To work against diminishing the child sex ratio in the India and change the people mind about the girl child.

To initiate couple towards the girl child by increasing awareness about the importance and role of the girl child.

To address the girl children issues associated to their health, respect, education, nutrition and etc.

To propagate the gender equality among people in India.

 Various state departments of child development, education, health, women, mahilamandals and others also organize functions and exhibitions. Cultural events comprising of song and dance sequence dedicated to the girl child are organized in various concerned institutions. Girl students are honoured for their outstanding achievements in various fields at State level functions organized by the respective departments. 

    So a girl is a friend, a mother, a wife, a daughter. When you kill one girl child, you kill the entire generation.

Netaji Subhash Chandrabose Birth Anniversary - 23 Jan

Subhas Chandra Bose was a great freedom fighter and National patriot. He was born in Cuttack on 23rd of January 1897 in a rich Hindu Kayastha family. He was son of Janakinath Bose and Prabhabati Devi . He was 9th sibling among fourteen children of his parents. He completed his initial schooling from Cuttack , then matriculation  from Calcutta and B.A. degree from University of Calcutta (in 1918). He went to England in 1919 in order to pursue higher studies. He was highly influenced by the Chittaranjan Das (a Bengali political leader) and soon joined freedom struggle of India. He started expressing his views in front of the people through a newspaper called Swaraj. He opposed the British rule and got interested in the Indian politics. Because of his active participation, he was elected as All India Youth Congress President and Bengal State Congress Secretary. He left Congress in 1939 because of some political differences with the Mahatma Gandhi. He believed that non-violence policy of Gandhiji was not capable enough to make India an independent country. Then he went to Germany and founded Indian National Army also known as Azad Hind Fauj with the help of some Indian Prisoners of war and Indian residents there. He gave slogan to his army, " Delhi Chalo" and" Jai Hind". He had inspired his army men through his great words of “Give me blood and I will give you freedom” to make his motherland free from the rule of Britishers. It is considered that Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose was died in a plane crash in 1945. The great works and contributions of the Netaji have been marked in the Indian history as an unforgettable event.

       The union culture minister announced in 2021 that Jan 23, birth anniversary od Subhash Chandrab Bose, would be celebrated as "Parakram Diwas" - day of couragee - every year to honour and remember Netaji's indomitable spirit and selfless services to the nation and to inspire  people of this country, especially the youth, to act with fortitude in the face of adversity as Netaji did, and to infuse in them a spirit of patriotic fervour.

Army Day  - 15 Jan 

Indian Army Day is celebrated on 15 January every year in India, in recognition of Lieutenant General (later Field Marshal) K.M. Carriappa's taking over as the first Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army from Sir Francis Butcher, the last British commander, in 1948. The motto of Indian Army is “Service before self”. It has more than 12 lakhs personnel and is the 3rd biggest army in the world. Major wars fought by the Indian Army include 1965, 1971 and 1999 wars with Pakistan and the 1962 war with China. The present Chief of Army Staff is General Manoj Pande. Army Day marks a day to pay homage and salute to  the courageous and brave Indian Soldiers who have been sacrificed their lives for protecting the country  and the people living in it. After paying homage , an excellent parades including military shows takes place to indicate the new technologies and accomplishments in the India Army. Bravery awards including Unit credentials and Sena Medals are distributed at this great occasion in national capital as well as all 6 Army Command headquarters. On 15 January 2024 India celebrated 76th Indian Army day .

National Youth Day, Birth Day of Swami Vivekanand - 12 Jan

Swami Vivekanand was born in Shimla Pally in Calcutta on  12 Jan 1863. He was named Narendranath Datta. His father Vishwanath Datta was an attorney of Calcutta High Court and his mother was Bhuvaneshawari Devi. From his mother he learnt the power of self-control and he was an expert in medication and could enter the state of samadhi very easily. In his youth he visited the Brahmo Samaj and later he came in contact with Sri Ramakrishna. After the Ramakrishna he took the monk-name of Swami Vivekananda and stayed at the Boranagar Monastery. He wandered place to place and when he reached Trivandrum and decided to attend the Parliament of Religious at Chaicago. He is best known for his inspiring speech beginning with "Sisters and Brothers of America". Through this he introduced Hinduism at the Parliament of the World's Religions at Chicago in 1893. Vivekananda became very popular after delivering lectures at many places of America and England. He came back to India and founded the Ramakrishna Maths and Mission in 1897. He also founded the Advaita Ashrama in Mayavati, near Almora on March 19, 1899. The Ashrama was a branch of the Ramakrishna Math. He composed the famous arti song , Khandana Bhava Bandhana. In 4, July 1902 he woke up in the early morning went to the chapel at Belur Math and meditated for three hours. He taught Shukla-Yajur-Veda, Sanskrit grammar and the philosophy of yoga to pupils. later discussing with colleague planned a Vedic college in the Ramakrishna Math. At 7PM Vivekananda went to his room, asking not to be disturbed, he died at 9.10 PM while meditating.

Death Anniversary of Lal Bahadur Shastri - 11 Jan

Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri was the Second Prime Minister of India. He was a great patriot. He was Born in 1904 on 2ns Oct in Mughal Sarai. He belonged to a Kayasth family. His father was a teacher. When he was a boy he joined the Congress. He took active part in the first Non-cooperation movement. He left his studies and went to jail in 1920. He did great work for the freedom of India. He was married in 1927. He became life-member of the servants of People society. He did a lot of work for the city congress. He was elected the General Secretary of the U.P from 1946 to 1951. His selflessness for duty and enthusiasm and fearlessness impressed national leaders. In 1951 he was elected the General Secretary of the All India Congress Committee. He was elected to Rajya Sabha in 1952. He was the Union Minister for Transport and Railways. He became the Home Minister in 1961. He gave up his office in 1962 taking moral responsibility of a train accident. He never used politics for the up liftment of his family.  After the death of Shri. Nehru, Shastriji became the Prime Minister of India. He remained Prime Minister for about 18 months. He proved himself man of iron will. The country was suffering from corruption, nepotism, but Shastriji gave us a cleaner and healthier administration. He led the country during the Indo-Pakiatan War of 1965. His slogan "Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan' ("Hail to the Soldier, Hail to the Farmer) became very popular during the war . The war formally ended with the Tashkent Agreement on 10 Jan 1966. Shastri died on the following day they signed the historic pact. He was posthumously awarded the Bharat Ratna on 1966.

armer's day/Kisan Divas - 23 Dec

In India, 'National Farmer's Day' is celebrated on 23rd December every year. It is the birthday of Former Prime Minister of India Chaudhary Charan Singh. Chaudhary Charan Singh was born on 23 December  1902.

       Chaudhary Charan Singh was the fifth Prime Minister of the India. He served country as Prime Minister from 28 July 1979 until 14 January 1980. His life was very simple and he contributed a lot to improvise the life of Indian farmers. He came out with various initiatives in favor of farmers. Passionate appeal and magnetic persona of Chaudhary Charan Singh united all the farmers against the moneylenders and landlords. He gave the slogan-‘Jai Jawaan Jai Kisan'. He was also a very effective writer and penned his thoughts on farmers and their problems and solutions.  Kisan Divas is recognition of his valuable services rendered to the farmers of India.

    Farmer's Day is celebrated throughout the country. It is celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm. On this day various agricultural events, seminars, competitions and debates are organized to mark the event. In this day New policies concerning farming, agriculture, seeds etc are also announced by the governments.

International Migrants Day - 18 Dec

International Migrants Day is an international day observed on 18 December as International Migrants Day adopted by the General Assembly of United Nations on 4 December 2000 taking into account the large and increasing number of migrants in the world. On 18 December 1990, the General Assembly adopted the international convention on the protection of the rights of migrant workers and members of their families.The reason for they leaving their home are they  may be in danger, they may be starving or they may have no way of supporting their families. But whatever the motivation for leaving home,   a migrant or a refugee makes a person vulnerable, exposing them to hardship, uncertainty and the risk of death. ach year the UN invites governments, organizations, and individuals to observe International Migrants Day by distributing information on the human rights and migrants’ fundamental freedoms. People are also invited to share their experiences and contribute to designing action plans to ensure their protection. Many organizations and communities celebrate the day through various activities to alert the general public with facts about migrants, problems with human trafficking, the lives of migrant workers’ children, the plight of refugees, and ways to combat racism.

National Energy Conservation Day - 14 Dec

National energy conservation day in India is celebrated on Dec 14 to aware people about the importance of energy as well as saving or conserving the more energy by using less energy. The exact means of energy conservation is using less energy by avoiding the unnecessary uses of energy. Using energy efficiently is very necessary to save it for the future usage. Energy conservation should be rooted in the behavior of every human being to get more effect towards the plan of energy conservation. One can save the energy by deeply taking care of it such as turning off the unnecessarily running fans, lights, submersible, heater, combining car trips or other electric things of daily usage. These are the more easier and efficient way to save extra uses of energy thus playing the great role towards the campaign of national energy conservation. Fossil fuels, Crude oil, Coal, natural gas and etc generate sufficient energy for the use in daily life but increasing the demands of it day by day creates the fear of reducing or diminishing the natural resources. Energy conservation is the only way which helps in replacing the non-renewable resources of energy with the renewable energy. We can energy consumption by switched off the unnecessary lights, reduce the energy consumed by our appliance by analyzing its star ratings. It is a day for building up awareness regarding

(a) Need for energy conservation,

(b) Energy efficiency

(c) Frugality in energy use.

Human Right Day  - 10 Dec

The UN General Assembly proclaimed 10 December as Human Rights Day in 1948, to bring to the attention ‘of the peoples of the world’ the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations.  The day is normally marked both by high-level political conferences and meetings and by cultural events and exhibitions dealing with human rights issues. In addition, it is traditionally on 10 December that the five-yearly  United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights is awarded. Many  government and non government organizations active in the human rights field also schedule special events to commemorate the day. The Headquarter of United Nations is  in Geneva, New York. The objectives of celebrating human rights day are,

a)    To promote the awareness about human rights among the people all around the world.

b)   To emphasize the endeavors of the United Nations General Assembly in order to progress the overall human rights conditions.

c)   To get together and celebrate in cooperation to discuss and highlight the specific issues of the human rights.

d)   To encourage the vulnerable group of people like women, minorities, youth, poor, disabled person, indigenous people and etc to take part in this event celebration and political decision-making.

On December 10, 2023 , the world commemorated the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The theme of Human Rights Day 2023 is  Dignity, Freedom and Justice for All. 

Indian Armed Force Flag Day - 07 Dec 

The Armed Forces Flag Day or the Flag Day of India is a day dedicated towards collection of funds from people of India for the welfare of the Indian Armed Forces personnel. It has been observed annually in India on December 7 since 1949. Over the years, it has become a tradition to commemorate this day as an honour to the soldiers, airmen and sailors of India. Immediately after India achieved independence, a need arose for the government to manage the welfare of its defence personnel. On August 28, 1949, a committee set up under the defence minister decided to observe a Flag Day annually on December 7. The idea behind observing a Flag Day was to distribute small flags to the general population and in return collect donations. Flag Day gains more significance as it considers that it is the responsibility of the civilian population of India to take care of the families and dependents of the armed forces personnel who fight for the country. The Flag day is mainly observed to serve three basic purposes

Rehabilitation of battle casualties

Welfare of serving personnel and their families

Resettlement and welfare of ex-servicemen and their families.

On the Flag Day all three branches of the Indian armed forces, the Indian Army, the Indian Air Force and the Indian Navy, arrange a variety of shows, carnivals, dramas and other entertainment programmes to showcase to the general public the efforts of their personnel to ensure national security.

Navy Day - 04 Dec

India celebrate the 52nd anniversary of the Indian Navy on 4th of December as Navy Day in order to remember the daredevil attack on the Naval harbor Karachi, Pakistan  during the Indo-Pakistan war on 4th of December in the year 1971 by the Indian Naval Missile boats as well as to reverence all the martyrs of that war . The Indian Navy or  Bhāratīya Nau Senā  is the Naval branch of the armed forces of India. The President of India serves as the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. The Chief of Naval Staff (CNS), usually an Officer in the rank of Admiral, commands the Indian Navy. The present CNS is Admiral R Hari Kumar  since 30 Nov 2021. The 17th century Maratha emperor Chhatrapati Shivaji Bhosle is considered as the 'Father Of The Indian Navy'. Though the primary objective of the navy is to secure the nation's maritime borders, India also uses its navy to enhance its international relations through joint exercises, port visits and humanitarian missions, including disaster relief. The  Navy has  three commands with the following headquarters,

(1) The Western Naval Command with headquarters at Mumbai,.

(2)  The Eastern Naval Command with headquarters at Visakhapatnam

(3)  The Southern Naval Command with headquarters at Kochi.

    The Western and Eastern Naval Commands are operational commands and exercise control over Operations in the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal respectively. The Southern Command is the operational Command.

    The defence of the Andaman & Nicobar Islands is a joint responsibility of all the three services and is coordinated by the Headquarters, Andaman & Nicobar Command, located at Port Blair. This is the only Tri-Services Command in the Indian Armed Forces and is headed by a Commander-in-Chief, as appointed in rotation from the three Services. The Local Naval Defence of the Lakshadweep group of islands is the responsibility of the Naval Officer-in-Charge, Lakshadweep.

           The motto of Indian Navy is Sham No Varunah means “May the Lord of the Oceans be auspicious unto us. At this day the warships and aircrafts of the Indian naval are open to the visitors in the different harbors of Indian Navy.

International Day of People with Disability - 3rd Dec

Since 1992 United nations promoted to observe Dec 3rd as International Day of People with Disability. It has been celebrated with varying degrees of success around the planet. The observance of the Day aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. It also seeks to increase awareness of gains to be derived from the integration of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life. It was originally called "International Day of Disabled Persons" until 2007. Each year the day focuses on a different issue. The theme for International Day of People with Disability 2023 is  “ United in action to rescue and achieve the sustainable development goals for with and by persons with disabilities". It is based on transformative changes envisaged in the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development. It is important to focus on the ability and not on the disability of an individual. United Nations conducting conventions for the rights of persons with disabilities and the countries participated in that convention are required to promote, protect, and ensure the full enjoyment of human rights by persons with disabilities and ensure that they enjoy full equality under the law. The aim of celebrating International Day of People with Disability are

a)   To increase the awareness and understanding of people towards the disability issues of disabled people.

b)  To support the disabled people to get their self-respect, rights, welfare and security in the society.

c)    To address all the issues of disabled person in all the aspects of life.

d) To analyze whether the rules and regulations implemented by the government organizations are working and following well or not.

e)  To assist them with proper rehabilitation, offer equal opportunities, lessen poverty and encourage their role in the society.

f)    To focus on their health, well being, education and social dignity.

World Aids Day - 01 Dec 

World AIDS Day is held on 1 December each year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died. World AIDS Day was the first ever global health day and the first one was held in 1988. Since the beginning of this epidemic more than 70 million people have been infected with the HIV virus and about 35 million people have died of HIV. Globally, 38 million people were living with HIV by making it one of the most destructive pandemics in history. On World Aids Day by wearing a red ribbon, the international symbol of HIV indicates our awareness and support to the people who affected it. The HIV infection is caused by the human immune deficiency virus (HIV). After HIV is in the body, it starts to destroy CD4+ cells, which are white blood cells that help the body fight infection and disease. The HIV is spread when blood, fluids from an infected person enter another person's body, from sharing needles when injecting drugs, or from mother to baby during birth. The Theme for World Aids Day 2023 is “ Let Communities Lead”. This becomes highly conscientious as according to a report, only 75 percent of people living with HIV are aware of their status, meaning that that million people aren’t aware that they’re HIV-positive as they haven’t been tested. This also raises the risk of the illness spreading unknowingly . So it is our duty to stay away from this disease, give awareness to others and  give support to the affected people

World Diabetes Day - 14 Nov  

World Diabetes Day is the primary global awareness campaign focusing on diabetes mellitus and is held on November 14 each year. Led by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), each World Diabetes Day focuses on a theme related to diabetes, a largely preventable and treatable non-communicable disease that is rapidly increasing in numbers worldwide. Topics covered have included diabetes and human rights, diabetes and lifestyle, diabetes and obesity, diabetes in the disadvantaged and the vulnerable, and diabetes in children and adolescents. While the campaigns last the whole year, the day itself marks the birthday of Frederick Banting who, along with Charles Best and John James Rickard Macleod, first conceived the idea which led to the discovery of insulin in 1922. Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin or when it cannot effectively use the insulin. It does produce to help the body metabolize the sugar that is formed from the food we eat. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar, which gives us the energy we need to live. Unable to get into the cells to be burned as energy, the sugar can build up to harmful levels in the blood. Each year, World Diabetes Day is centered on a theme related to diabetes. Various associations in the world, NGO's, health department and companies develop an extensive range of activities on this day.  The theme of World Diabetes Day 2023 is Education to protect tomorrow.

National Education Day - 11th Nov

National Education Day is praised every year on 11th November. It is the celebrated on the birthday of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. This day is celebrated and praised every year by the Ministry of Human Resource Development since 2008. Abul Kalam Azad was born on 11th November 1888. His actual name was Abul Kalam Ghulam Muhiyuddin. His father name was Maulana Khairuddin, who lived in Bengal. His mother’s name was Alia, who was an Arabian. By profession, Maulana Azad was a writer, writer, artist, and philosopher. He began to distribute the daily paper ‘Al-Hilal’ in the year 1912. Al-Hilal assumed an imperative part in manufacturing Hindu-Muslim solidarity. He composed numerous works, reinterpreting the sacred Quran.  He played an active role in the freedom movement of India. He became the first Education Minister of independent India.. He is also credited with the foundation of the University Grants Commission (UGC), an important institution to supervise and advance higher education in the nation. Maulana Azad died on 22nd February 1958. For his invaluable contribution to the nation, he was posthumously awarded India's highest civilian honour, Bharat Ratna in 1992. He always liked the simplicity of life..National Education Day is a significant day to show the importance and usefulness of education in the society. On this day, special programs are organized in schools. On this day, many programs for educational reform and development are announced by the Centre and the State Governments.

Legal Service Day – 09 Nov

 Legal Service day observed in India in every year. It is observed to lay emphasis on legal literacy and increase legal awareness among the masses especially those who live in far off areas and where literacy and more importantly legal literacy is lacking . It is celebrated on 9th November because it was on this day in 1995 that Legal Services Authority Act was enforced by the Supreme Court to offer help and support to the weaker and poor group of sections of people which may be women, disabled persons, Scheduled Tribes, children, Scheduled Castes, human trafficking victims as well as natural calamities victims. The aim of celebrating the Legal Services Day is to offer the free of charge, proficient and legal services to the people of weaker sections of society. Variety of legal literacy camps and functions are also organized on occasion of this day It also organizes the Lok Adalats to make safe the legal system operations and encourages the righteousness of people on the equality basis .On this occasion, NALSA Awards (NALSA which stands for National legal Services  Authority) were also conferred to the members of legal fraternity from across the country for taking unique and creative initiatives for ensuring fair justice to those who need it.

National Unity Day ( Rashtriya Ekta Diwas-)  31 Oct

National Unity Day (or Rashtriya Ekta Diwas) is the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, a famous personality for uniting India. This day was decided and introduced by the central government of India in New Delhi in 2014 in order to observe the birth anniversary of Patel every year as Rashtriya Ekta Diwas.  It would be celebrated as 147th birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. It aimed to pay tribute to him for his great efforts made to unite India. Sardar Patel was born on 31st of October in 1875 at Karamsand, Gujarat. He was also called as Vallabhbhai Jhaverbhai Patel. He died on 15th of December in 1950 at Bombay. He was a barrister, statesman, a leader of Indian National Congress and one of the founding fathers of the Republic of India. He worked hard a social leader for the Independence of country and integration of people to make a united and independent nation. His dedication for the national integration was completely uncompromising in order to make a newly liberated united country. He was the First Home minister of India and during his term as Home Minister of India,his dedication towards the unity in country made him able to integrate more than 500 independent princely states in 1947 to 1949 from the British rule through the Independence Act 1947. He is affectionately remembered as the “Iron Man of India” and “Patron saint of India’s civil servants” as he established the modern all-India services system. Celebration of this occasion annually helps youth of the country to be aware of and provides an opportunity to everyone to maintain the integral strength of the nation. It makes Indian citizens to realize that how a national integrity helps in defeating the actual and potential threats for unity, integrity and security of the nation. 

United Nations Day - 24 Oct

 The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945 after the Second World War by 51 countries committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights. 24 Oct has been celebrated as United Nations Day since 1948. Due to its unique international character, and the powers vested in its founding Charter, the Organization can take action on a wide range of issues, and provide a forum for its  Member States to express their views, through the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council and other bodies and committees. The work of the United Nations reaches every corner of the globe. Although best known for peacekeeping, peace building, conflict prevention and humanitarian assistance, there are many other ways the United Nations and its System (specialized agencies, funds and programmes) affect our lives and make the world a better place. The Organization works on a broad range of fundamental issues, from sustainable development, environment and refugees protection, disaster relief, counter terrorism, disarmament and non-proliferation, to promoting democracy, human rights, gender equality and the advancement of women, governance, economic and social development and international health, clearing landmines, expanding food production, and more, in order to achieve its goals and coordinate efforts for a safer world for this and future generations.

The four main purpose of UN has

To keep peace throughout the world;

To develop friendly relations among nations;

To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other’s rights and freedoms;

To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals.

Present United nations Secretery general is Mr. António Guterres from Portugal. The Official languages used at the United Nations are ,  Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish .The working languages at the UN Secretariat are English and French.

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty - 17 Oct

The international day for the Eradication of Poverty is observed on 17 Oct in every year. The observance of the International Day of the Eradication of Poverty can be traced back to 17 Oct 1987. On that day, over a hundred thousand people gathered at the Trocadero in aris, where the Universal Declaration of human Rights was signed in 1948. to honour the victims of  extreme poverty, violence and hunger. They proclaimed that poverty is a violation of human lights and affirmed the need to come together to ensure that these rights are respected. Theses convictions are inscribed in a commemorative stone unveiled on this  day. Since then, people of all backgrounds, beliefs and social origins have gathered every year on Oct 17 nth to renew their commitment and show their solidarity with the poor. It is important to recall the fundamental connection between extreme poverty and human rights, and that people living in poverty are disproportionately affected by many human rights violations. The 2023 theme for eradication of poverty is " Dignity for all in Practice". The theme is based on the dignity of the human being, which is not only a fundamental right but constitutes the basis of all other fundamental rights.

World Food Day - 16 Oct 

World Food Day is celebrated every year around the world on 16 October in honor of the date of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1979. The day is celebrated widely by many other organisations concerned with food security, including the World Food Programme and the International Fund for Agricultural Development. World Food Day (WFD) was established by FAO's Member Countries at the Organization's 20th General Conference in November 1979. Celebrating the creation of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), events are organized in over 150 countries across the world, making it one of the most celebrated days of the UN calendar.  The principal reason behind launching and celebrating world food day is to secure and advance the food security across the world, particularly in days of the crisis. The commencement of the Food and Agriculture organization by the United Nations has played a significant role in making this possible and accomplishing the goal. The annual celebration of world food day represent the significance of the Food and Agriculture Organization; it also helps in increasing awareness of the crucial need for effective agriculture and food policies to be implemented by governments across the world to ensure there is sufficient food available for everyone worldwide. These events promote worldwide awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and for the need to ensure food security and nutritious diets for all.  The theme of world food day 2023 is " Water is Life, Water is Food. Leave no one behind".

Birth Anniversary of Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam - 15 Oct

                        Dr Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam  was an Indian scientist who served as the 11th President of India  from 2002 to 2007. He was born on 15 October 1931 at Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu  and   studied physics and aerospace engineering. He spent the next four decades as a scientist and science administrator, mainly at the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and was intimately involved in India's civilian space programme and military missile development efforts. He thus came to be known as     the Missile Man of India for his work on the development of ballistic missile and launch vehicle technology. He also played a pivotal organisational, technical, and political role in India's Pokhram - II nuclear tests in 1998, the first since the original nuclear test by India  in 1974. Kalam was elected as the 11th President of India in 2002 with the support of both the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party and the then-opposition Indian National Congress  . Widely referred to as the "People's President", he returned to his civilian life of education, writing and public service after a single term. He was a recipient of several prestigious awards, including the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian honour. While delivering a lecture at the Indian Institute of Management Shilong , Kalam collapsed and died from an apparent cardiac arrest on 27 July 2015 at the age of  83. He was buried with full state honours  at his hometown  Rameshwaram .

International Day of the Girl Child - 11 Oct

 International Day of the Girl Child is an international observance day declared by the United Nations; it is also called the Day of the Girl and the International Day of the Girl. October 11, 2012, was the first Day of the Girl was celebrated. The observation supports more opportunity for girls and increases awareness of gender inequality faced by girls worldwide based upon their gender. This inequality includes areas such as right to education/access to education, nutrition, legal rights, medical care, and protection from discrimination, violence against women and unfree child marriage. The celebration of the day also "reflects the successful emergence of girls and young women as a distinct cohort in development policy, programming, campaigning and research. International Day of the Girl Child increases awareness of many issues and inequalities faced by girls around the world. Many global development plans do not include or consider girls, and their issues and problems become "invisible. The Day of the Girl helps raise awareness not only of the issues that girls face, but also what is likely to happen when those problems are solved. For example, educating girls helps reduce the rate of child marriage, disease and helps strengthen the economy by helping girls have access to higher paying jobs. The theme of International Day of the Girl Child  2023 is “ Invest in Girls Rights: Our Leadership, Our Well-being".

National Postal Day - 10 Oct

National Postal day is celebrated on Oct 10 every year. Indian postal department is serving the country for over 150 years. Indian postal celebration is an extension of World Post Day. Indian postal systems for efficient military and governmental communications had developed long before the arrival of Europeans.When the Portuguese, French, Danish and British displaced the Mughals, their postal systems existed alongside those of many somewhat independent states. The British east India Company gradually displaced other powers and brought into existence a British administrative system over most of India, with a need to establish and maintain both official and commercial mail systems. After the independence of India in 1947, the Indian postal service continues to function on a countrywide basis and provides many valuable , low cost services to the public of India . With the arrival of new age technologies and new modes of communication, the usage of traditional mailing services has reduced but it is still primary source of communication in semi-urban and rural India. The role of post office has increased day by day . There are so many mediums of saving money in post office. The postal department has allowed the post office to deal with the money saved by public .New postal products and services are introduced on this day. Other activities like open days at post offices, mail centres and postal museums, conference , seminars and workshops and cultural and other recreation events are also organized on National postal Day. So the post office plays a vital role in our country.

Indian Air Force Day - 08 Oct

The Indian Air Force (IAF; भारतीय वायु सेना, Bharatiya Vāyu Senā) is the air arm of the Indian armed forces. Its primary responsibility is to secure Indian airspace and to conduct aerial airfare during a conflict. It was officially established on 8 October 1932 as an auxiliary air force of the British Empire and the prefix Royal was added in 1945 in recognition of its services during World War II. After India achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1947, the Royal Indian Air Force served the Dominion of India, with the prefix being dropped when India became a republic in 1950. Since independence, the IAF has been involved in four wars with neighbouring Pakistan and one with the People's Republic of China. Other major operations undertaken by the IAF include Operation Vijay, Operation  Meghdoot, Operation Cactus and Operation Poomalai. Apart from conflicts, the IAF has been an active participant in United Nations peacekeeping missions.

The President of India Droupadi Murmu serves as the ex-officio Commander-in-Chief of the IAF. The Chief of Air Staff, an Air Chief Marshal (ACM), is a four-star commander and commands the Air Force. Presently the Chief of Air Staff is Air Chief Marshal Vivek Ram Chaudhary. Motto of IAF is “ Touch the Sky with Glory”.

Operational Commands of IAF are
1.   Central Air Command (CAC), headquartered at Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh

2.   Eastern Air Command (EAC), headquartered at Shillong, Meghalaya

3.   Southern Air Command (SAC), headquartered at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

4.   South Western Air Command (SWAC), headquartered at Gandhinagar, Gujarat

5.    Western Air Command (WAC), headquartered at Subroto Park, New Delhi

Functional Commands of IAF are

1.     Training Command (TC), headquartered at Bangalore, Karnataka
2.     Maintenance Command (MC), headquartered at Nagpur, Maharashtra

World Animal Day -04 Oct

World Animal Welfare Day is celebrated on 04 Oct every year and it is totally dedicated to the animals. The occasion celebrates animal life in all its forms. First started in 1931 at a convention of ecologist in Florence, Italy, the purpose of World Animal Day was to highlight the predicament faced by endangered species. Slowly, the idea grew in scope and later on included all forms of animal life. World Animal Day is celebrated in every corner of the world. October 4 is a significant day as it also marks the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. This is an international awareness day and puts the harm of animals caused by humans into the centre of attention. Often farm animals and pets are kept under bad conditions and neglected. World Animal Day celebrates relationship between humankind and animal kingdom. Animals play a diverse array of role in our lives. They not just enrich our lives with their support and companionship; they also make us better human beings. The occasion provides us a reason to unite the animal welfare movement all across the globe.  Animal rights groups support the rights of animals on a global basis on World Animal Day.Animal welfare campaigns are launched on World Animal Day. Rescue shelters for the animals are opened in different parts of the world. World Animal day is a wonderful reminder of different ways in which animals enhance our lives. The theme of World Animal day 2023 is "Great or Small, Love Them All"

International Day of Non-Violence -(Gandhi Jayanthi)- 02 Oct

Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi, the father of nation popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi or Bapu was born on 2nd Oct. 1869. His father Karam Chand Gandhi was the Diwan of Rajkot state. His mother Putlibai was “a religious and pious lady. At the age of seven he went to school. He was an average student. He was always regular and punc­tual in his class. At the age of thirteen he was married to Kasturba. After Matriculation and college studies he went to England to study law. There he became barrister and returned home. He started his practice at Bombay and then he went to Rajkot, but he was not a successful lawyer. In one case he had to go to South Africa. There he stayed for twenty one years. There he saw the pathetic condition of Indians. He fought bravely against the White men’s injustice towards the Indians, who were called coolies. He started an Ashram there called Tolstoy Farm.. In 1915 he came back to India and joined Congress. He launched his Satyagrah Movement against the British. Under his leadership con­gress started non-violence and non-cooperation movement to oppose the unjust acts of British Government. He led the historic Dandi March and broke the Salt Law. In 1942 he started “Quit India” movement and forced the British to leave India. At last due to his efforts India got inde­pendence in August 1947. Frail in body and clad in a loin-cloth he had a magical influence upon others. He led a very simple life. He lived in Sewagram, a poor village. It was from there he led this country to freedom. He worked for the upliftment of Harijans. Finally, when independence came, Gandhiji took a tour to Noakhali where Hindus and Muslims were fighting with each other. He observed fast to impress upon the people the need to live like brothers. But this man could not live with us for long. On the evening of 30th January, 1948 Nathu Ram Godse fired three shots at him at Birla Bhawan while he was holding his prayer meeting as usual. He was cremated on the banks of river Yamuna; Today his Samadhi at Rajghat has become a place of pilgrimage for people all over the world. Thus the true servant of humanity left his footprints on the sands of time.

World Tourism Day - 27 Sep

Since 1980, the United Nations World Tourism Organization has celebrated World Tourism Day on September 27. This date was chosen as on that day in 1970, the Statutes of the UNWTO were adopted. The adoption of these Statutes is considered a milestone in global tourism. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness on the role of tourism within the international community and to demonstrate how it affects social, cultural, political and economic values worldwide. The UNWTO believes that the date for World Tourism Day is appropriate because it comes at the end of the high tourist season in the northern hemisphere and the start of the tourist season in the southern hemisphere, when tourism is of topical interest to many people worldwide, particularly travelers and those working in the tourism sector. The importance of tourism are.

(1)          Tours and travels are makes us realize about the beauty and natural wealth that we have in different locations of our planets. .It makes us aware about the preservation of the natural energy resources for supply power of offices and vehicles.

(2)          Tourism marks the sources of foreign exchanges earnings. It offers both opportunities for income of public and private sectors.. It also offers employment opportunities.

(3)          Tourism helps publicizing a country. It helps to introduce to a whole new place that was unknown to the world.
    The day is celebrated with a particular theme every year. This makes people aware about the tourism industry and how it is important to sustain a lot of peoples life. The theme of world tourism day 2023 is "Tourism and green investment"